Thursday, May 21, 2009

This weeks photo is just of some pretty dresses I saw in a window have a great week

Monday, May 11, 2009

This weeks image is from the Santa Barbra Fire. My cousin lives in the area and captured these dramatic images. She is doing okay but they have been on evacuation standby.I received and email from her today showing me these photo! Hang in there Cathy and Dave.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This weeks photo is another Vegas shot. In Vegas you can meet fall in love and get married all in one night if you like. I will be sharing my pictures of some of the chapels I saw while in town. This first image is dedicated to my lovely sister, who was so patient with me as I would yell spontaneously to stop the car while I jumped out into the middle of traffic to shoot a picture. I know she thought I was outa my mind. Thanks for understanding Les!